Thursday, June 26, 2008

New things (nuevas cosas)

I think I had a soup last night with my host family from a plant called CHAYA. I read on wiki just now that the raw leaves are poisonous--I ate one leaf last night in front of Bertilia and she said it was fine. Who knows if I was really eating Chaya or something else. In any case, it´s pretty tasty and they said it´s good for your health.

In any case, here´s the plant on wiki: Chaya.

I´ve heard the word AHORITA a lot since I got here. Ahora means now and Ahorita means right now, exactly now. I hear it probably 20 times a day and back in Chicago at Cervantes, my Spanish school with teachers from Spain, I don´t ever remember hearing this.

I´ve seen little kids in the market walking around with wireless office phone. Big phones with big keypads, but totally wireless. I think people in the market who don´t have phones pay the kids for this service.

I mentioned in an earlier blog that I was confused about the relationships in my host family. I am fairly sure now that it is a boarding house with 6 boarders now, including me. Four are high school boys studying at a local technical school and the other is Luis, a traveling salesman or vendedor of clothing.

1 comment:

The Forest of Sharpened Pencils said...

Wow! Culinary and custodial adventures both; I imagine you will have interesting stories to report back to the people at Cervantes. Keep the stories coming (and any recipes or stories about the history of Guatemala!)