Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sen. Obama: "I HATE Medicare Advantage Plans as much as I LOVE Bumper cars..."

Okay so last night he didn't say that exactly, but he might as well have. I've posted about them before; they're the "private" versions of Medicare/Medicaid that do nothing other than cost more. Slipped into the 2003 Medicare bill and written by industry lobbyists, Medicare Advantage plans cost between 12-18% more than traditional Medicare, or about $1000 more per enrollee, yet have not been shown to provide any improvement in patient care whatsoever.

Sen. Obama attacked them not once, but twice, last night, something which honestly was about the most exciting part of the entire debate for me.

“We right now give $15 billion every year as subsidies to private insurers under the Medicare system. Doesn't work any better through the private insurers. They just skim off $15 billion. That was a give away and part of the reason is because lobbyists are able to shape how Medicare works."

He went on to call out Medicare's prescription drug plan, referring to lobbyists when he said, "They did it on the Medicaid prescription drug bill and we have to change the culture.” Sen. Obama was speaking of the same 2003 Medicare bill, this time referring to the parts written by pharmaceutical lobbyists who added, among other facets, the clause that prohibits the government of negotiate drug prices.

While Obama wants to undo this head-scratcher, McCain thinks importing drugs from Canada makes more sense. I don't think Sen. McCain understands how the pharmaceutical industry works, to use one of McCain's lines from last night. The reason drugs are cheaper in Canada is because their government is allowed negotiate drug prices, while at home the largest purchaser of pharmaceuticals in the world, Medicare, is forbade by law from doing the same.

Thus highlighting another example of Republicans cherry-picking their stance on free market economics, regulating sometimes while de-regulating at others; doing so whenever it helps big business (and its lobbyists) regardless of the cost to taxpayers. I know I've posted on this before, but I think its important that we fix Medicare we are going to make any progress towards providing the nation with sensible health coverage. Or bumper cars, I guess.

1 comment:

mudskipper said...

Thanks to your influence, I actually noticed when Obama brought up this Medicare issue last night. Keep up the posts on this topic--I for one won't get tired of it.