Sunday, January 27, 2008


Check out this site!

Here's one of my New Years resolutions-call the White House more often.

Numba: 202-456-1111

Seriously. Just call with your comments. The operator just switches you over to a recording robot.

For some lighter fare:

1 comment:

mudskipper said...

Don't forget about your Senators and Representatives! These people work for you. Since you are a constituent, they have to listen to your concerns. You can find out who your peeps are both state and local here:

Here is a list from a group called EFF.

In order of MOST to LEAST effective, these are the means of contacting legislators:

1. personal visit to the legislator's Washington DC office or home-state office
2. personally handwritten but LEGIBLE short letter
3. personally typewritten or word-processed letter
4. phone call to a key staffer in the office
5. phone call to the reception staffers in the office
6. personally written fax
7. an obvious form letter or fax
8. personally written e-mail
9. an obvious form e-mail

In order of MOST to LEAST effective, these are the kinds of people who contact legislators

1. government officials
2. constituent organizations or corporations (entities in the legislator' home district/state)
3. individual constituents (voters in the legislator's home district/state)
4. major international, national or regional organizations or corporations
5. little-known international, national or regional orgs. & corps.
6. non-constituent individual Americans
7. foreign individuals, or foreign orgs. & corps.